The excellence since 1980

Our passion to make good things was born in the kitchen while on Sunday mornings our great-grand mother used to prepare Tortellini, a typical dish of our Italian cookery from Veneto.
Movements full of love and happiness, while skilful and fast hands working with rolling pin to stretch pasta as thin as a veil, following a method has been kept and preserved for four generations.

Mastery and passion to make Tortellini, encourage us to open our pasta factory “Al re del tortellino” in Valeggio sul Mincio, in the heart of the city centre in 1980.

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"Making quality products is a tradition of our family"

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Today, we are about to celebrate the 35th year of activity, we are still faithful to the original method of stretching pasta and make unique and healthy our Tortellini, only for experts.

Flavour, fragrance, genuineness and tradition are the real ingredients for the art of cooking. Everything is precisely handmade, and also you can find a kind welcome and good suggestions in our memorable shop in Valeggio sul Mincio. 

Making good and natural products is a tradition for Luciana and Carlo Bignotti.


The Quality

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All our products are prepared with the same passion and tradition that are the hallmarks of our whole production.

Quality and healthy of our products are rewarded with the quality brand of DE.CO by Valeggio sul Mincio. 

A tradition of the family

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The production of handmade tortellini and also our other products are the expression of healthy food. Our production is made over 30 years, because for us making good and healthy products is a tradition.

Our method

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In Italy, Valeggio sul Mincio is renowned for its tortellini, but the true of these tortellini is that they are only handmade. At the “Al re del tortellino” we have a method that has been handed down for generations to stretch pasta and to make it thin and unique.

The kitchen is our workshop

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During many years we have been preserving the same quality and genuineness in our tortellini from Valeggio. The workshop, that we called confidentially “the kitchen”, respects all strict rules of cleanliness and health since forever. 

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